An Illustrated Guide to Programming

This book is a result of an assignment in an instructional design course. The assignment was to create a fully illustrated booklet of no less than 16 pages. As both a programmer and an illustrator, I decided to merge the two to create a basic primer explaining the basics of computer programming using lengthy illustrations instead of lengthy paragraphs.
Needless to say, programming cannot be explained in 16 pages. It soon ballooned out of control to about 100 pages.
I would consider this book only 'volume 1' in a series. The deadline approached before I could go into more advanced topics. I hope to eventually either complete this book or create a volume 2 which would cover the topics I couldn't get to in volume 1. Additionally, I'd like to find a printer or publisher that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to publish a full color book like this.
You can download the contents here (3.32 MB PDF).